Personal Profile: Birgit Gottas
Intuitive - Empathetic - Professional

Birgit Gottas
The basis for her work has been formed through extensive qualifications.
Study of journalism, communications as well as art history in Salzburg, Vienna and Bordeaux/France
Kinesiological Training Touch for HealthTM, Brain-Gym®, Holleis-Method©,
Energy Psychology
Energy work Radiance Technique®
Folk-lore work »Understanding the meaning of Folk-lore« qualification
Training »Train the Trainer« - certificate
Relevant professional experiencein the private sector, in university education and in the non-profit-making sector, extensive intercultural experiences, professional know-how in conflict handling and communication.
Self-awareness »Guided Affective Imagery« (Katathymes Bilderleben), Gestalt Therapy, Kinesiology, Radiance Technique®, individual and group coaching, Jacob’s Way (»Jakobsweg« Le Puy en Velay – Santiago de Compostela), Hatha-Yoga, Meditation
- In responding to individual needs
- In the ability to intuitively grasp things and explain them analytically
- In the creative approach towards complex situations
- In combining different methods
- In solution oriented work